Abbott, Albert H. (1900). Experimental psychology and the laboratory in TorontoUniversity of Toronto Monthly1, 85-98, 106-112. [A defense of the viability of experimental psychology against its 19th-century opponents, followed by description of the expanded Toronto laboratory, first established by J.M. Baldwin in 1891.]

Allport, Floyd H. & Allport, Gordon W. (1921). Personality traits: Their classificiation and measurementJournal of Abnormal and Social Psychology16, 6-40.

Allport, Gordon W. (1927). Concepts of trait and personalityPsychological Bulletin24, 284-293.
Allport, Gordon W. (1937). The functional autonomy of motivesAmerican Journal of Psychology50, 141-156.
Allport, Gordon W. (1940). The psychologist's frame of referencePsychological Bulletin37, 1-28. [Allport's APA Presidential Address.]
American Psychological Association. (1947). Recommended graduate training program in clinical psychologyAmerican Psychologist2, 539-558. [The report that proposed the so-called "Boulder Model".]
Angell, James Rowland. (1907). The province of functional psychologyPsychological Review14, 61-91. [Basic statement of "Chicago functionalism" at the start of the 20th century.]

. (ca. 350 BC). De anima (J. A. Smith, Trans.). Originally published in Ross, W. D. (Ed.) (1930). The works of Aristotle (vol. 3). Oxford: Clarendon Press. ["The Philosopher's" main psychological work. Book I is mainly criticism of what had gone before. Book II focuses on perception. Book III is mainly about the intellect.]
Aristotle. (ca. 350 BC). On memory and reminiscence (J. I. Beare, Trans.).
Originally published in Ross, W. D. (Ed.) (1930). The works of Aristotle (vol. 3). 
Oxford: Clarendon Press. [A short work, part of the Parva Naturalia, that follows from De anima.]
Babbage, Charles. [See Menabrea, L.F. (1842); Lovelace, A.A., (1843)]
Baldwin, James Mark (1892). The psychological laboratory in the University of TorontoScience19 (no. 475), 143-144. [The first published description of the first experimental psychology laboratory in the British Empire.]
Baldwin, James Mark. (1895). Types of reactionPsychological Review2, 259-273. [Baldwin's reply to Titichener, 1895a.]
Baldwin, James Mark. (1896). The 'type-theory' of reactionMind5, 81-90. [Baldwin's reply to Titchener, 1895b]
Baldwin, James Mark. (1901). Dictionary of philosophy and psychology. Originally published in New York and London by MacMillan. [under construction, A-O only]
Baldwin, James Mark. (1913). History of psychology: A sketch and an interpretationLondonWatts. [One of the most influential pre-Boring history of psychology textbooks.]
Baldwin, James Mark. (1930). Autobiography of James Mark Baldwin. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 1-30).WorcesterMAClark University Press. [The great developmentalist's own summary of his life's work.]
Baldwin, James Mark, Cattell, James McKeen, & Jastrow, Joseph. (1898). Physical and mental testsPsychological Review5, 172-179. [An account of an early attempt at what we would now call intelligence testing.]
Bandura, Albert, Ross, Dorothea, & Ross, Sheila A. (1961). Transmisssion of aggressions through imitation of aggressive modelsJournal of Abnormal and Social Psychology63, 575-582. [One of the classic "Bobo Doll" studies of the imitation by children of aggressive behavior.]
Bateson, G. [See N. Miller et al. (1941).]
Berkeley, George. (1732). An essay towards a new theory of vision (4th ed.). (First edition published 1709) [From the purest of the British empiricists.]
Binet, Alfred. (1916). New methods for the diagnosis of the intellectual level of subnormals. In E. S. Kite (Trans.), The development of intelligence in children.VinelandNJ: Publications of the Training School at Vineland. (Originally published 1905 in L'Année Psychologique12, 191-244.) [Description of Binet's approach in intelligence testing, and of the original version of the most influential of all intelligence tests.]
  • Introduction to Binet (1905/1916) by Henry L. Minton.
  • Commentary on Binet (1905/1916) and Terman (1916) by Henry L. Minton
Boring, Edwin G. (1929). The psychology of controversyPsychological Review36, 97-121. [Boring's 1928 APA Presidential Address about past controversy in psychology.]
Boring, Edwin G. (1951). The woman problemAmerican Psychologist, 6, 679-682.
Bowen, Francis. (1860). Remarks on the latest form of the development theoryMemoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s., VIII, pp. 98-107, communicated March 27, April 10 and May 1, 1860. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968). Darwinism comes to AmericaWalthamMA: Blaisdell, pp. 66-74.
Breland, Keller & Breland, Marian. (1961). The misbehavior of organismsAmerican Psychologist16, 681-684. [Classic critique of the assumptions underlying radical behaviorism.]
Brett, George S. (1922). Psychology in the universityUniveristy of Toronto Monthly, , 298-300.
Brett, George S. (1929). Introduction to psychologyToronto: Macmillan of Canada. [A short textbook by the famed historian of psychology.]
Broca, Paul (1861a). Perte de la parole, ramollissement chronique et destruction partielle du lobe antérieur gauche du cerveau Bulletin de la Société Anthropologique2, 235-238. [The initial report of Broca's famous patient, "Tan," and the localization of speech in the left frontal lobe.]
Broca, Paul (1861b). Remarques sur le siége de la faculté du langage articulé, suivies d'une observation d'aphémie (perte de la parole) Bulletin de la Société Anatomique6, 330-357. [The complete report on the state of "Tan's" brain, and Broca's argument for the fcaulty of spoken language being localized in the left frontal lobe.]
Bruner, Jerome S. & Goodman, Cecile C. (1947). Value and need as organizing factors in perceptionJournal of Abnormal and Social Psychology42, 33-44. [Famous "New Look" study in which impoverished children over-estimate the sizes of coins.]
Bruner, Jerome S. & Postman, Leo. (1949). On the perception of incongruity: A paradigmJournal of Personality18, 206-223. [Famous "New Look" study in which black hearts on playing cards were seen as being red.]
Buchner, Edward Franklin. (1903). A quarter century of psychology in America: 1878-1903American Journal of Psychology14, 666-680.
Caldwell, W. (1898). Professor Titchener's view of the selfPsychological Review5, 401-408. [The comment the ostensibly provoked Titchener to distinguish between structuralism and functionalism.]
Caldwell, W. (1899). The postulates of a structural psychologyPsychological Review6, 187-191. [Reply to Titchener 1898.]
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1892). Experimental Psychology at Wellesley CollegeAmerican Journal of Psychology5, 464-271.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1896a). Association: An essay analytic and experimentalPsychological Review Monographs Supplement1 (2). [The origin of the paired associates learning procedure by the first woman President of the APA.]
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1896b). Community of ideas of men and womenPsychological Review3, 426-430. [Reply to Jastrow (1896).]
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1906). A reconciliation between structural and functional psychologyPsychological Review, 8, 61-81. [Calkins' APA Presidential Address.]
Calkins, Mary Whiton (1908a). Psychology as science of self. I: Is the self body Or has it body?Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods,5, 12-20.
Calkins, Mary Whiton (1908b). Psychology as science of self. II: The nature of the selfJournal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods5, 64-68.
Calkins, Mary Whiton (1908c). Psychology as science of self. III: The Description of ConsciousnessJournal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods5, 113-122.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1915). The self in scientific psychologyAmerican Journal of Psychology26, 495-524.
Calkins, Mary Whiton. (1930). Autobiography of Mary Whiton Calkins. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 31-62).WorcesterMAClark University Press. [The first woman APA President's own summary of her life's work.]
Carlsmith, James M. [See Festinger & Carlsmith (1959).]
Cattell, James McKeen. (1886a). The time taken up by cerebral operations, Parts 1 & 2Mind11, 220-242.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1886b). The time taken up by cerebral operations, Part 3Mind11, 377-392.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1887). The time taken up by cerebral operations, Part 4Mind11, 524-538.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1888). The psychological laboratory at LeipsicMind13, 37-51. [English-language report on the activities at Wundt's lab during the 1880s by one who was there.]
Cattell, James McKeen. (1890). Mental tests and measurementsMind15, 373-381. [An account of one of the first attempts at what we would now call intelligence testing.]
Cattell, James McKeen. (1893/1947). Attention and reaction (R. S. Woodworth, Trans.). In James McKeen Cattell, Man of science (Vol. 1: Psychological Research, pp. 252-255, R. S. Woodworth, Trans.). LancasterPA: The Science Press, 1947. (Originally published as "Aufmerksamkeit und Reaction" inPhilosophische Studien8. 403-406.[Calls into question L. Lange's sensorial/muscular reaction findings, setting up the foundations of functionalism -- see 1895-96 Titchener and Baldwin papers.]
Cattell, James McKeen. (1898). The psychological laboratoryPsychological Review5, 655-658. [A reply to Titchener, 1898.]
Cattell, James McKeen. (1928). Early psychological laboratoriesScience67, 543- 548.
Cattell, James McKeen. (1943). The founding of the Association and of the Hopkins and Clark LaboratoriesPsychological Review50, 61-64.
Cattell, James McKeen. [See also Baldwin, Cattell, & Jastrow (1898).]
Clark, Kenneth B. & Clark, Mamie K. (1939). The development of consciousness of self and the emergence of racial identification in negro preschool children.Journal of Social Psychology, S.P.S.S.I. Bulletin10, 591-599. [One of the first studies in the psychology of race, by two of the first major African-American psychologists.]
Clark, Kenneth B. & Clark, Mamie K. (1940). Skin color as a factor in racial identification of negro preschool childrenJournal of Social Psychology, S.P.S.S.I. Bulletin11, 159-169. [One of the first studies in the psychology of race, by two of the first major African-American psychologists.]
Clark, Mamie K. [See K.B. Clark & M.K. Clark (1939, 1940).]
Creighton, J. E. (1902). The purposes of a philosophical associationPhilosophical Review11, 219-237. [Inaugural Presidential Address of the American Philosophical Association.]
Cronbach, Lee J. (1957). The two disciplines of scientific psychologyAmerican Psychologist12, 671-684. [Famous attempt to reconcile the aims experimental and correlational psychology.]
Cronbach, Lee J. & Meehl, Paul E. (1955). Construct validity in psychological testsPsychological Bulletin52, 281-302. [The origin of the term "construct validity"]
Darwin, Charles. (1874). The descent of man. Part One: Descent or Origin of Man (ch. 1-7). (2nd ed.). Originally published in London by J. Murray. [Darwin's argument that humans descended from apes.]
Darwin, Charles. (1877). A biographical sketch of an infantMind2, 285-294. [Early evolutionary look at child development.]
De Varigny, M. Henry. (1894). Le laboratoire de psychologie expérimentale de l'Université de MadisonRevue Scientifiquevol. 1, tome 1, 624-629. [The single most detailed contemporary report of Jastrow's psychology exhibit at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.]
Dewey, John. (1884). The new psychologyAndover Review2, 278-289. [Possibly the first use of the phrase "new psychology."]
Dewey, John. (1894). The ego as causePhilosophical Review3, 337-341.
Dewey, John. (1896) The reflex arc concept in psychologyPsychological Review3, 357-370. [The article that defined the modern concept of the reflex.]
Dodson, John D. [See Yerkes & Dodson (1908).]
Dunlap, Knight. (1912). The case against introspectionPsychological Review19, 404-413.
Ebbinghaus, Hermann. (1913). Memory: A contribution to experimental psychology (Henry A. Ruger & Clara E. Bussenius, Trans.). Originally published inNew York by Teachers College, Columbia University. (Original German work Über das Gedächtnis published 1885). [The most important work on memory in the 19th century; originated the use of nonsense syllables.]
  • Introduction to Ebbinghaus (1885/1913) by Robert H. Wozniak.
Eysenck, Hans J. (1952). The effects of psychotherapy: An evaluationJournal of Consulting Psychology16, 319-324. [Classic empirical critique of the effectiveness of psychotherapy.]
Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1860). Elements of psychophysics, Sections VII ("Measurement of sensation") and XVI ("The fundamental formula and the measurement formula") (Trans. by Herbert S. Langfeld, first appearing in B. Rand (Ed.) (1912), The classical psychologists). [The document in which originated "Fechner's Law".]
Fernberger, Samuel W. (1932). The American Psychological Association: A historical summary, 1892-1930Psychological Bulletin29, 1-89.
Fernberger, Samuel W. (1943). The American Psychological Association 1892-1942Psychological Review50, 33-60.
FestingerLeon & Carlsmith, James M. (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced complianceJournal of Abnormal and Social Psychology58, 203-210. [Famous empirical confirmation of Cognitive Dissonance theory, in which subjects reported liking boring tasks more if they were paid less.]
Fisher, Ronald A. (1925). Statistical methods for research workers. Originally published in London by Oliver and Boyd. [Contains the first textbook presentation of Analysis of Variance.]
Fiske, John. (1902). Herbert Spencer's service to religionEssays Historical and Literary, New York, II, pp. 232-237. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968).Darwinism comes to AmericaWalthamMA: Blaisdell, pp. 106-110.
Franz, Shepherd Ivory. (1912). New phrenologyScience, N.S. 35 (No. 896), 321-328. [Important critique of the hypothesis of the localization of cerebral function.]
Freud, Sigmund. (1913). The interpretation of dreams (3rd ed.). (A. A. Brill, Trans.). Originally published in New York by Macmillan.(Original German work published 1900.) [The classic psychoanalytic work on dreams.]
Freud, Sigmund (1914). The psychopathology of everyday life. (A. A. Brill, Trans.). Originally published in London by T. Fisher Unwin. (Original German work published 1901.) [The classic psychoanalytic account of the underlying meaning of slips of the tongue, forgotten names, etc.]
Freud, Sigmund. (1910). The origin and development of psychoanalysisAmerican Journal of Psychology21, 181-218. [Freud's lectures at Clark University; the introduction of psychoanalysis to North America.]
Freud, Sigmund. (1917). The history of the psychoanalytic movement (A. A. Brill, Trans.). Originally published in New York by the Nervous and Mental Disease Pub. Co. (Original German work published 1914.) [Freud's own account of the development of the institutions of psychoanalysis, and of his splits with Adler and with Jung.]
Fullerton, Hugh S. (1921). Why Babe Ruth is greatest home-run hitterPopular Science Monthly99 (4), 19-21, 110. [Popular article about Babe Ruth getting worked over in the Columbia University psychology laboratory.]
Galton, Francis. (1865). Hereditary talent and characterMacmillan's Magazine12, 157-166, 318-327.
  • Introduction to Galton's Hereditary genius (1869) by Robert H. Wozniak.
Galton, Francis. (1875). History of twinsHuman Faculty and its Development (pp. 155-173). [The original psychological twins study.]
Galton, Francis. (1880). Statistics of mental imageryMind5, 301-318.
Garvey, C. R. (1929). List of American psychology laboratoriesPsychological Bulletin26, 652-660.
Goddard, Henry Herbert. (1913). The Kallikak family: A study in the heredity of feeble-mindedness. [A major influence on the early 20th-century eugenics movement.]
Goodman, Cecile C. [See Bruner & Goodman (1947).]
Gordon, Kate. (1905). Wherein should the education of a woman differ from that of a manSchool Review13, 789-794. [Contemporary critique of G.S. Hall'sAdolescence
Gray, Asa. (1860). [Review of] The Origin of Species by Means of Natural SelectionAmerican Journal of Science and Arts (March). Reprinted in 1876 inDarwiniana: Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism. [A review by Harvard's professor of Natural history, and Darwin's greatest defender in North America.]
Griffith, Coleman R. (1921). Some neglected aspects of a history of psychologyPsychological Monographs30, 17-29. [A call for a history of experimentalpsychology from the recognized founder of sports psychology.]
Griffith, Coleman R. (1922). Contributions to the history of psychology -- 1916-1921Psychological Bulletin19, 411-428. [A report on the state of the art in history of psychology up to the end of World War I.]
Guthrie, Edwin R. (1946). Psychological facts and psychological theoryPsychological Bulletin43, 1-20. [Guthrie's APA Presidential address.]
Hall, G. Stanley. (1879). Philosophy in the United StatesMind4, 89-105. [Hall's scathing critique of the state of American philosophy in the 1870s.]
Hall, G. Stanley. (1885). The new psychologyAndover Review3, 120-135, 239-248.
Hall, G. Stanley. (1904). Adolescent girls and their education. From Adolescence: Its psychology and its relations to physiology, anthropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion, and education (Vol. 2, Chapter 17).
Harlow, Harry F. (1958). The nature of loveAmerican Psychologist13, 573-685. [Harlow's APA Presidential Address about his research on the the importance of contact comfort in monkey infants.]
Harlow, Harry F. (1962). Fundamental principles for preparing psychology journal articlesJournal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.
Hartmann, G. W. [See N. Miller et al. (1941).]
Harvey, O. J. [See M. Sherif et al. (1954/1961).]
Hebb, Donald O. (1955). Drives and the C.N.S. (conceptual nervous system)Psychological Review62, 243-254. [Important statement of the theory of the optimal level of function.]
Heider, Fritz. (1946). Attitudes and cognitive organizationJournal of Psychology21, 107-112. [Famous article on Balance Theory.]
Herbart, J. F. (1877). Possibility and necessity of applying mathematics in psychology (H. Haanel, Trans.). Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 11, 251-264.
Hill, A. B. & Watanabe, R. (1894). "Sensorial" and "muscular" reactionsAmerican Journal of Psychology6, 242-246. [Supervised by E. B. Titchener, in support of L. Lange's findings.]
Hollingworth, Leta S. (1914b). Variability as related to sex differences in achievement: A critiqueAmerican Journal of Sociology19, 510-530.
Hollingworth, Leta S. (1916). Social devices for impelling women to bear and rear childrenAmerican Journal of Sociology22, 19-29. [Argues that social control is more important that "maternal instinct" in leading women to motherhood.]
Hollingworth, Leta S. (1922). Differential action upon the sexes of forces which tend to segregate the feeblemindedJournal of Abnormal Psychology & Social Psychology17, 35-57.
Hood, William R. [See M. Sherif et al. (1954/1961).]
Howes, Ethel Puffer. (1922). Accepting the universeAtlantic Monthly129, 444-453.
HullClark L. (1934a). The concept of the habit-family hierarchy and maze learning: Part IPsychological Review41, 33-54.
HullClark L. (1934b). The concept of the habit-family hierarchy and maze learning: Part IIPsychological Review41, 134-152.
HullClark L. (1935). The conflicting psychologies of learning -- A way out. Psychological Review42, 491-516.
Hume, James Gibson. (1892). Physiological psychologyMinutes of the Twenty-First Annual Convention of the Ontario Teachers' Association, pp. 86-106. [Review and idealist critique of the state of scientific psychology in the 1890s by a charter member of the APA.]
Hume, James Gibson. (1895). Psychology in the University of TorontoPsychological Review2, 172. [Abstract of paper presented at the 1894 meeting of the American Psychological Association.]
Hume, James Gibson. (1897). The practical value of psychology to the teacherToronto: George N. Morang. [Originally delivered before the Ontario Teachers' Association, Toronto, 1897.]
Hume, James Gibson. (1898). Contributions of psychology to morality and religionPsychological Review5, 162-163. [Abstract of paper presented at the 1897 meeting of the American Psychological Association.]
Hume, James Gibson. (1909). The proper affiliation of psychology: With philosophy or the natural sciencesPsychological Bulletin6, 65-67. [Abstract of paper presented at the 1908 meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.]
Hume, James Gibson. (1909). The import of pragmatism for the hsitory of philosophyPhilosophical Review18, 176-177. [Abstract of paper presented at the 1908 meeting of the American Philosophical Association.]
Hume, James Gibson. (1910). The significance of suicidePhilosophical Review19, 179-180. [Abstract of paper presented at the 1901 meeting of the American Philosophical Association.]
Hume, James Gibson. (1916). Scientific truth and the scientific spiritUniversity of Toronto Monthly16, 443-445.
Hume, James Gibson. (1922). Evolution and personality. In Philosophical essays presented to John Watson (pp. 298-330). KingstonON: Queen's University. [The long-time Toronto philosopher's major intellectual work.]
James, William. (1879). Are we automata? Mind, 4, 1-22. [James' reply to T.H. Huxley's "On the hypothesis that animals are automata, and its history" (1874), available at: http://aleph0.clarku.edu/huxley/CE1/AnAuto.html.]
James, William. (1884). What is an emotion? Mind9, 188-205. [The major statement of the James-Lange theory of emotion: "I see a bear, I run, I am afraid."]
James, William. (1887). Consciousness of lost limbsProceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research, 1, 249-258.
James, William. (1890). The principles of psychology. [Perhaps the most important English-language psychology text in history.]
James, William. (1892). The stream of consciousness. From Psychology (chapter XI). Cleveland & New York, World. [A somewhat shorter account of consciousness than that found in the full Principles.]
James, William. (1904a). Does consciousness exist? Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods1, 477-491. [A later Jamesian account of consciousness.]
  • Introduction to James (1904a, 1904b) by Eugene Taylor & Robert H. Wozniak.
James, William. (1904b). A world of pure experienceJournal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods1, 533-543, 561-570. [James, the radical empiricist.]
  • Introduction to James (1904a, 1904b) by Eugene Taylor & Robert H. Wozniak.
James, William (1904c). The Chicago schoolPsychological Bulletin1, 1-5. [James gives functionlaism its nickname while reviewing Dewey et al.'s Studies in Logical Theory.]
James, William. (1907). The energies of menScience, N.S. 25 (No. 635), 321-332. [James' Presidential Address to the American Philosophical Association.]
Janet, Pierre. (1930). Autobiography of Pierre Janet. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 123-133). WorcesterMA:Clark University Press. [The great French psychiatrist's own summary of his life's work.]
Jastrow, Joseph.. (1891). A study in mental statisticsNew Review5, 559-568.
Jastrow, Joseph. (1893). The section of psychology. in M.P. Hardy (Ed.), Official Catalogue -- World's Columbian Exposition (Part. vii, pp. 50-60).
Jastrow, Joseph. (1896). Community of ideas of men and womenPsychological Review3, 68-71. [Reply to Nevers (1895).]
Jastrow, Joseph. (1935). Has psychology failed? American Scholar4, 261-269. [The founder of the Wisconsin psychology department gives his final evaluations of behaviorism and psychoanalysis, and proposes a psychology based on evolutionary theory.]
Jastrow, Joseph. [See Baldwin, Cattell, & Jastrow (1898).]
Jones, Mary Cover. (1924). A laboratory study of fear: The case of PeterPedagogical Seminary31, 308-315.
Jung, Carl G. (1910). The association methodAmerican Journal of Psychology31, 219-269. [Introduction of Jungian psychology to North America; Jung's most important empirical work.]
Jung, Carl G. (1921/1923). General description of the types. Chapter 10 of Psychological types (H.G. Bayes, Trans.). (Original work published 1921) [Key chapter of Jung's major treatise on personality.]
Koffka, Kurt. (1922). Perception: An introduction to the Gestalt-theoriePsychological Bulletin19, 531-585. [The first English-language article on Gestaltpsychology.]
Köhler, Wolfgang. (1959). Gestalt psychology todayAmerican Psychologist14, 727-734. [Köhler's APA Presidential address.]
Konorski, J. & Miller, S. (1937). On two types of conditioned reflexJournal of General Psychology, 16264-272. [Major critique of Skinner (1935).]
Krohn, William O. (1894). Facilities in experimental psychology in the colleges of the United States. In Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year 1890-'91 (Vol. 2, pp. 1139-1151).
Krstic, Kruno. (1964). Marko Marulic -- The author of the term "psychology"Acta Instituti Psychologici Universitatis Zagrabiensis, no. 36, pp. 7-13. [Rare study of the origin of the term "psychology".]
Ladd Franklin, Christine. (1904). Endowed professorships for womenPublications of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Series III, No. 9, pp. 53-61.
Ladd Franklin, Christine. (1908). Report of the committee on the endowment of fellowships. From "Proceedings" in the Publications of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Series III, No. 17, pp. 143-146.
Lange, Carl Georg. (1885). The mechanism of the emotions. Trans. by Benjamin Rand, first appeared in Rand, Benjamin (Ed.)(1912). The Classical Psychologists (pp. 672-684). [The "other" source of the James-Lange theory of emotion.]
Lange, Ludwig. (1888/2009). New experiments on the process of the simple reaction to sensory impressions. (Trans. By David D. Lee of Neue Experimente über den Vorgang der einfachen Reaction auf Sinneseindrücke.) Philosophische Studien, 4, 479-510. (in .pdf). [The article by Wundt's future assistant that claimed distinct "sensory" and "muscular" types of reaction, thereby setting off a debate (Cattell, Baldwin, Titchener, Angell) that led to the school of Functionalism.]
Lashley, Karl S. (1923). The behavioristic interpretation of consciousnessPsychological Bulletin30, 237-272, 329-353.
Lashley, Karl S. (1930). Basic neural mechanisms in behaviorPsychological Review37, 1-24. [One of Lashley's most influential articles.]
Levy, D.M. [See N. Miller et al. (1941).]
Lovelace, A. Ada. (1843). Notes by the translator [to L.F. Menabrea's "Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq."]Scientific Memoirs, 3, 666-731. [Lady Lovelace's extensive notes to the major account of Babbage's mechanical computer.]

Marbe, Karl. (1930). Autobiography of Karl Marbe. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of Psychology in Autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 181-213). WorcesterMA:Clark University Press. [The prominent Würzburg psychologist's account of his own life.]
Maslow, Abraham H. [See N. Miller et al. (1941).]
Maslow, Abraham H. (1943). A theory of human motivationPsychological Review50, 370-396. [The first published description of the "hierarchy of needs."]
McCosh, James. (1874). Religious aspects of the doctrine of development. In P. Schaff & S. Prime (Eds.). History, essays, orations, and other documents of the sixth general conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, October 2-12, 1873New York, pp. 269-271. Reprinted in G. Daniels (Ed.) (1968). Darwinism comes to AmericaWalthamMA: Blaisdell, pp. 96-101.
McDougall, William. [see Watson & MacDougall (1929)].
MacCorquodale, Kenneth & Meehl, Paul E. (1948). On a distinction between hypothetical constructs and intervening variablesPsychological Review55, 95-107. [Classic attempt to clarify a major terminological problem in psychological methodology.]
Mead, George H. (1913). The social selfJournal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods10, 374- 380. [Major article by the "social behaviorist."]
Meehl, Paul E.. [See Cronbach & Meehl (1955); MacCorquodale & Meehl (1948).]
Menabrea, Luigi F. (1843). Sketch of the analytical engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. (A.A. Lovelace, Trans.). Scientific Memoirs, 3, 666-731. (Original work published 1842 in Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève, No. 82) [The major account of Babbage's mechanical computer.]
Miller, George A. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing informationPsychological Review63, 81-97. [A classic in memory research and one of the earliest contributions to the "cognitive revolution."]
Miller, N., Sears, R.R., Rosenzweig, S., Bateson, G., Levy, D.M., Hartmann, G.W., & Maslow, A.H. (1941). Symposium on the frustration-aggression hypothesisPsychological Review48, 337-366.
Miller, S. [See Konorski & Miller (1937).]
Morgan, C. Lloyd (1896). On modification and variationScience, NS 4, No. 99, 733-740. [Morgan's version of the "Baldwin effect," published the same year asBaldwin's paper.]
Morgan, C. Lloyd. (1930). Autobiography of C. Lloyd Morgan. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 237-264).WorcesterMAClark University Press.
Morgulis, Sergius. [See Yerkes & Morgulis (1909).]
Münsterberg, Hugo. (1893a). The new psychology and Harvard's equipment for teaching itHarvard Graduate Magazine1 (2), 201-209. [A defense of the new psychology by the largest laboratory's new director.]
Münsterberg, Hugo. (1893b). Psychological laboratory of Harvard University. [A catalogue of equipment and readings, prepared for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.]
Münsterberg, Hugo. (1899). Psychology and historyPsychological Review6, 1-31. [Münsterberg's APA Presidential address about the epistemological relation between the natural and the normative sciences. First English discussion of idiographic and nomothetic methods, later popularized by Gordon Allport.]
Münsterberg, Hugo. (1908/1925). On the witness stand. [Attempt to sell the insights and methods of scientific psychology to the legal community; foreshadows many of today's issues in forensic psychology.]
Münsterberg, Hugo. (1913). Psychology and industrial efficiency. [Attempt to sell the insights and methods of scientific psychology to the industry; major early contribution to industrial/organizational psychology.]
  • Introduction to Münsterberg (1913) by Robert H. Wozniak.
Nevers, Cordelia C. & Calkins, Mary W. (1895). Dr. Jastrow on community of ideas of men and womenPsychological Review2, 363-367. [Reply to Jastrow (1891).]
Pavlov, Ivan P. (1927). Conditioned reflexes: An investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex (G. V. Anrep, Trans.). (Original work published 1927)
Peirce, Charles Sanders & Jastrow, Joseph (1884). Small differences in sensationMemoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, 3, 73-83. [Peirce's probabilistic critique of Fechner's concept of the discrimination threshold. Possibly the first published American experimental psychological study.]
Plato. (ca. 360 BC). Timaeus (B. Jowett, Trans.) [Plato's description of the origin of the cosmos; includes his account of the origin and nature of the psyche.]
Poe, Edgar Allan. (1850). Mesmeric revelation. [A story about a session of mesmerism on the patient's deathbed.]
Postman, Leo. [See Bruner & Postman (1949).]
Ethel Puffer. [See Howes, Ethel Puffer. (1922).]
Rayner, Rosalie. [See Watson & Rayner (1920).]
Rogers, Carl R.. (1946). Significant aspects of client-centered therapyAmerican Psychologist1, 415-422.
Rogers, Carl R.. (1947). Some observations on the organization of personalityAmerican Psychologist2, 358-368. [Rogers' APA Presidential Address.]
Rosenzweig, S. [See N. Miller et al. (1941).]
Ross, Dorothea. [See Bandura, Ross, & Ross, (1961).]
Ross, Sheila. [See Bandura, Ross, & Ross (1961).]
Royce, Josiah. (1902). Recent logical inquiries and their psychological bearingsPsychological Review9, 105-133. [Royce's APA Presidential Address about the potential impact of recent development in the philosophy of mathematics for the psychology of thinking.]
Rozeboom, William W. (1960). The fallacy of the null-hypothesis significance testPsychological Bulletin57, 416-428.
Sanford, Edmund C. (1891-1893). A laboratory course in physiological psychologyAmerican Journal of Psychology4, 141-155, 303-322, 474-490; 5, 390-415, 593-616. [One of the "standard" psychology course of the 1890s.]
Sears, R.R. [See N. Miller et al. (1941).]
Sherif, Carolyn W. [See M. Sherif et al. (1954/1961).]
Sherif, Muzafer, Harvey, O. J., White, B. Jack, Hood, William R., & Sherif, Carolyn W. (1954/1961). Intergroup conflict and cooperation: The Robbers Cave experiment.
Skinner, B. F. (1935). Two types of conditioned reflex and a pseudo typeJournal of General Psychology12, 66-77. [Major statement of operant behaviorism.]
Skinner, B. F. (1937). Two types of conditioned reflex: A reply to Konorski and MillerJournal of General Psychology16, 272-279. [Reply to major critique of Skinner (1935).]
Skinner, B. F. (1948). 'Superstition' in the pigeonJournal of Experimental Psychology38, 168-172. [A classic in learning theory.]
Skinner, B. F. (1950). Are theories of learning necessary? Psychological Review57, 193-216.
Spearman, Charles. (1904). "General intelligence," objectively determined and measuredAmerican Journal of Psychology15, 201-293. [Probably the most influential paper in the history of psychometric intelligence theory.]
Stroop, J. Ridley. (1935). Studies of interference in serial verbal reactionsJournal of Experimental Psychology18, 643-662. [The "gold standard" in studies of automatic cognitive processing.]
Stumpf, Carl. (1930). Autobiography of Carl Stumpf. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 1, pp. 389-441). WorcesterMA:Clark University Press. [The great German psychologist's summary of his life's work.]
Szasz, Thomas S. (1960). The myth of mental illnessAmerican Psychologist15, 113-118. [A classic statement of American "anti-psychiatry."]
Terman, Lewis M. (1916). The uses of intelligence tests. From The measurement of intelligence (chapter 1). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. [Major statement of Terman's approach to intelligence testing.]
  • Introduction to Terman (1916) by Henry L. Minton.
  • Commentary on Binet (1905/1916) and Terman (1916) by Henry L. Minton.
Terman, Lewis M. (1930). Autobiography of Lewis M. Terman. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 297-331).WorcesterMAClark University Press. [The great intelligence tester's own summary of his life's work.]
Thompson, Helen Bradford. (1903). The mental traits of sex.
Woolley, Helen Thompson,. [se also Woolley, Helen Thompson. (1910)]
Thorndike, Edward L. & Woodworth, Robert S. (1901a). The influence of improvement in one mental function upon the efficiency of other functions (I).Psychological Review8, 247-261. [Classic study in the transfer of training from one task to another.]
Thorndike, Edward L. & Woodworth, Robert S. (1901b). The influence of improvement in one mental function upon the efficiency of other functions: II. The estimation of magnitudesPsychological Review8, 384-395. [Classic study in the transfer of training from one task to another.]
Thorndike, Edward L. & Woodworth, Robert S. (1901c). The influence of improvement in one mental function upon the efficiency of other functions: III. Functions involving attention, observation, and discriminationPsychological Review8, 553-564. [Classic study in the transfer of training from one task to another.]
Thorndike, Edward L. (1910). The contribution of psychology to educationJournal of Educational Psychology1, 5-12. [Early contribution to educational psychology.]
Thorndike, Edward L. (1911). Animal intelligence. [Most important book of the significant Columbia functionalist.]
Thouless, Robert H. (1935). The tendency to certainty in religious beliefBritish Journal of Psychology, 26, 16-31. [This .pdf version thanks to Burke Brown, U. Toronto.]
Thurstone, L. L. (1934). The vectors of mindPsychological Review41, 1-32. [Thurstone's extension of Spearman's work on g to a multi-factorial model of mental abilities.]
Titchener, Edward B. (1895a). Simple reactionsMind4, 74-81. [The article that began the structuralist-functionalist debate.]
Titchener, Edward B. (1895b). The type-theory of simple reactionMind4, 506-514. [Reply to Baldwin's (1895) critique of Titchener (1895a).]
Titchener, Edward B. (1896). The 'type-theory' of simple reactionMind5, 236-241. [Titchener's reply to Baldwin (1896)]
Titchener, Edward B. (1898a). The postulates of a structural psychologyPhilosophical Review7, 449-465. [Major statement of Titchener's structuralist school.]
Titchener, Edward B. (1898b). A psychological laboratoryMind7, 311-331. [Description of the Cornell lab, its equipment, and its cost.]
Titchener, Edward B. (1899). Structural and functional psychologyPhilosophical Review8, 290-299. [Reply to Caldwell, 1899.]
Titchener, Edward B. (1912). The schema of introspectionAmerican Journal of Psychology23, 485-508. [Major defence of Titchener's structuralist school.]
Titchener, Edward B. (1914). On "Psychology as the behaviorist views it"Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society53, 1-17. [The chief structuralist's response to the chief behaviorist's manifesto.]
Titchener, E. B. (1921). Brentano and Wundt: Empirical and experimental psychologyAmerican Journal of Psychology32, 108-120.
Tolman, Edward C. (1922). A new formula for behaviorismPsychological Review29, 44-53. [Classic statement of Tolman's "cognitive" behaviorism.]
Tolman, Edward, C. (1948). Cognitive maps in rats and menPsychological Review55(4), 189-208. [Major revision of Tolman's "cognitive" behaviorism.]
Triplett, Norman. (1898). The dynamogenic factors in pacemaking and competitionAmerican Journal of Psychology9, 507-533. [Often called the first social psychology experiment; social facilitation among bicycle riders.]
Washburn, Margaret Floy. (1922). Introspection as an objective methodPsychological Review29, 89-112. [Washburn's 1921 APA Presidential Address.]
Washburn, Margaret Floy. (1930). Autobiography of Margaret Floy Washburn. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 333-358). WorcesterMAClark University Press.
Watson, John B. (1907). Studying the mind of animalsThe World Today, 12, 421-426. [A rare, early, popular statement of functionalism by the "founder" of behaviourism.]
Watson, John B. (1913). Psychology as the behaviorist views itPsychological Review20, 158-177. [The classic manifesto of behaviorism.]
Watson, John B. (1916). Behavior and the concept of mental diseaseJournal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods13, 589-597.
Watson, John B. (1920). Is thinking merely the action of language mechanisms? British Journal of Psychology11, 87-104.
Watson, John B. & Rayner, Rosalie. (1920). Conditioned emotional reactionsJournal of Experimental Psychology3, 1-14. [The famous "Little Albert" study.]
Watson, John B. & MacDougall,[1William. (1929). The battle of behaviorism: An exposition and an exposure. [A debate between the leading behaviorist and the leading instinct theorist of the early 20th century.]
Wertheimer, Max. (1938). Laws of organization in perceptual forms. In W. Ellis, W (Ed. & Trans.), A source book of Gestalt psychology (pp. 71-88). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. (Original work published in 1923 as Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt II, in Psychologische Forschung4, 301-350.) [One of the most influential of all Gestalt papers.]
White, B. Jack. [See M. Sherif et al. (1954/1961).]
Witmer, Lightner. (1907). Clinical psychologyPsychological Clinic1, 1-9. [The source of the phrase "clinical psychology."]
Woodworth, Robert S.. (1930). Autobiography of Robert S. Woodworth. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 359-380). WorcesterMAClark University Press.
Woodworth, Robert S. [See Thorndike & Woodworth (1901a, 1901b, 1901c).]
Woolley, Helen Thompson. (1910). A Review of the recent literature on the psychology of sexPsychological Bulletin7, 335-342.
Woolley, Helen Thompson,. [see also Thompson, Helen Bradford. (1903).]
Wright, Chauncey. (1870). Limits of natural selectionNorth American Review (October). [Critique of Alfred Russel Wallace's "The limits of natural selection as applied to man" (1869), by the man who was mentor to William James and Charles Sanders Peirce.]
Wright, Chauncey. (1873). Evolution of self-consciousnessNorth American Review (April). [Article requested of Wright by Charles Darwin.]
  • Madden, E. H.(1963). The metaphysics of self-consciousness. Chapter 7 of Chauncey Wright and the foundations of pragmatism (pp. 128-142). Reprinted by permission of University of Washington Press.
Wundt, Wilhelm Max. (1874/1902/1904). Principles of physiological psychology (Edward Bradford Titchener, Trans.) (from the 5th German ed., published 1902; 1st German ed. published 1874.)[Classic text by the founder of the first psychological research laboratory.]
Wundt, Wilhelm Max. (1896/1897). Outlines of psychology (Charles Hubbard Judd, Trans.). [Classic text by the founder of the first psychological research laboratory.]
Yerkes, Robert M. & Dodson, John D. (1908). The relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit-formationJournal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology18, 459-482. [The origin of the Yerkes-Dodson Law.]
Yerkes, Robert M. & Morgulis, Sergius. (1909). The method of Pawlow in animal psychologyPsychological Bulletin6, 257-273. [The paper that introduced Pavlov's work to North America.]
Yerkes, Robert M. (1930). Autobiography of Robert M. Yerkes. In C. Murchison (Ed.), History of psychology in autobiography (Vol. 2, pp. 381-407).WorcesterMAClark University Press. [The great comparative psychologist's own summary of his life's work.]